Author Archives: Garvita Sharma

healthcare professional with laptop

What do patients think about online healthcare portals?

In today’s modern world people are too busy in their daily life activities (like a job, business, and study, etc) and they don’t…
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healthcare online visibility, website, marketing on fingertips

Internet marketing overview for healthcare professionals

What is Internet Marketing? Internet marketing means to create your online presence by building a website in order to promote your product or…
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healthcare marketing success for doctors tips

Guaranteed online medical marketing Success for Doctors

Online marketing is booming these days and has also become a necessity for every business. Like all other sectors fully operating their businesses…
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seo description via picture

Understanding term SEO for ranking in organic results 2019

SEO status in 2019 Search engine optimization is a set of tweaks, website imrovements and online marketing activities in orger to gain benefits…
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