Author Archives: Garvita Sharma

Google search

How to get new Clients/Patients by Google Adwords

What is Google Adword? This is a paid service provided by Google to advertise your website/business on its Search Engine Result Page (SERP)…
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Reputation quotation by

Why Do People Think Reputation Management in Healthcare is a Good Idea?

There has been a dramatic change in the healthcare system in India recently and the competition has aggravated to a really big extent.…
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software to manage IVF process

9 Benefits of Clinic Automation Software That Will Impress Your Patients

Fertility clinics are those medical clinics that help individuals and couples to become parents who naturally are not able to achieve conceptions and…
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Facebook like

How social media is bringing more patients to IVF ?

In recent years, SOCIAL MEDIA becomes very popular among people of almost every age, area or profession. Consumers are sharing their life, their…
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