What is Viral Marketing?

Viral Marketing as we can relate to is coming from the word Virus. Virus, as we understand which spreads fast from human to human or if we talk about virus-infected files on a computer, can infect many other files on our computer. So Virus as such considered to be bad but when using this term “Viral” in Marketing context via Internet or Internet Marketing – as we may hear like so and so thing going viral, is indeed considered to be extremely good to gain popularity about you or your product instantly.

viral marketing

Viral Marketing is something that spreads like a fire. It could be anything like a gesture pic posted by somebody that goes viral like a lovely smile that may be sent by a user on any of the social media platforms to a group of users and influence them to share it further.

So it’s like word of mouth marketing wherein we are not directly marketing ourselves or a product but it’s becoming popular thru people to people sharing it over the internet.

Technically there are various ways to decide that how you should begin to make yourself or content viral for a product or a service. One of the popular ways is using Google trends, finding the keywords that are ranking well for your nature of the business, or searching for content with the most-watched views or likes for your niche. Accordingly, you can work out a Viral Marketing Strategy.

It is important that the following attributes like feelings, emotions should be well incorporated into your strategy while writing content so as to gain attention once you publish it.

Secondly, you can do some research – find about Content already going to go viral by searching for news story going viral for your niche with thousands of views will be a good Todo in your list.

So as I said above- that you don’t directly market yourself rather it’s a marketing strategy by engaging audiences as per ongoing trend which is already attracting them and influencing them to share it further. So indeed you will be saving heavy marketing costs if your strategy is right and working in your favor.

Thirdly it’s a good idea while writing your content to convey a social message in a post that is how it will be helping people in society or contributing to country-level on a broad level. Like there should be something that is making people happy and forcing them to share and make others enjoy reading it.

So without even people knowing that they are actually marketing you or your product- it gets marketed with the right marketing strategy implemented. It’s contagious a great way to build your brand on the Internet.

Viral Marketing trends in 2021

  1. Voice searches will be popular being a quick way to search about something you are looking, generally include the question like who, which, when, where, and how in short you get the answer for your question.
  2. Videos will still be there as a great influencer tool, trend of soundless videos is gaining popularity too as they are good to watch when in public places.
  3. More Images over text by making your content visually oriented
  4. Influencers who are trustworthy using AI will be identified by brands
  5. Some Incentives or a gift in any form to authentic or trustworthy promoters of a product


So to use Viral Marketing successfully it is important to know your audience, use the right channel, strategize your campaign well and develop yourself as a brand.

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