Do type of web hosting affects rankings?

  • March 4, 2022
  • SEO

Web hosting is required to store your website files on a server generally a high speed server which then allows your website to be available on internet.

It is important to host your website with a good hosting service provider as they are equipped with complete infrastructure with backups etc. to keep your website functional and available on the internet all the time.

However, no matter How good your website is in terms of design, pages, content, all SEO efforts your are putting in to get it rank on top in Google – the chances are it may not rank well if the web hosting server is not upto the mark.

What do we mean by this – in simple terms it means that if the server is old or a shared server where multiple websites are hosted then it will affect the speed of any individual website hosted there and subsequently it would be affecting ranking of a website.

Why so? As no visitor will wait for long once they click on a link to read the information they need and if it doesn’t open up immediately so the user might go and visit some other website.

So if your website is hosted on a bad hosting server then it will have negative impact on user experience,seo, security etc.

Below are some features that a good web hosting provider provides responsibly:

  1.  Website security: Ensuring and keeping site safe from hackers attack and monitoring website 24/7.
  2. Website speed: Loading of website pages fast and maintaining the speed.
  3. Website downtime: If at all due to any technical reason your website is down so ensuring that should be up immediately by offering enough bandwidth to load website pages.
  4. Website reputation: A good web hosting provider has a big hand in building reputation of your online business by keeping all above parameters aligned we’ll.

There are many hosting providers, to a name a few are:.

  • GoDaddy.
  • Hostinger.
  • Hostgator
  • Namecheap

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