How social media is bringing more patients to IVF ?

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In recent years, SOCIAL MEDIA becomes very popular among people of almost every age, area or profession. Consumers are sharing their life, their joys, their celebrations, their pains, their problem, their feedbacks and their reviews on social media.

Social media is now used for the word of mouth referral by the people over Internet. It has given the power in the hands of people to express their ideas and emotions with the world openly.


“More than 40% of consumers say that information found via social media affects the way they deal with their health.”

Now a day’s almost every industry is leveraging the social media to connect with their target audience to increase their revenue and third-party reproduction industry is not an exception.

More and more clinics, hospital, doctors and ARTbanks are now focusing on different social media platforms like facebook, twitter, linkedin, pinterest etc. to engage their potential patients with their brand over the internet.

“More than 75% of patients expect a response within a day after requesting an appointment through social media.”

Social media has huge potential to promote a healthy lifestyle, educate people and connect IVF clinics with patients.

If we peep more into figures we can learn that 18 to 24-year-old people are 2 times more likely to use social media for health-related discussions more than 45 to54 years’ old people. That means younger people are more socially active on various social media platforms.


Why people are choosing social media for their health advice?

Emotional Support:

Social media connects patients suffering from same health pain and problem with patients from different demographics which helps them in their suffering with one another and encourages honest opinions and sharing.

Instant answer of their queries:

Social media gives instant answers to patient’s health problems by doctors, experts of the respective field or by other patients going through the same problems.

More than half of senior population online was ready to use the internet to manage their health care and communicate with their physicians.



IVF Clinics, ART Banks, Hospitals aren’t yet involved in social media but they should be as their potential patients are on social media and asking and sharing their problems online.

Need help getting started? Visit to learn more about how we can help you in nurturing relationship with your potential and current patients online.



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